Monthly Archives: March 2008

It’s a pArTy!


We’re having a party this coming Friday Night at Goldshire (South of Stormwind) starting at 8pm server time. Why? Why Not. I’ll be brining the Kegger and some Pinot. Please try and show up for a minimum of 20- 30 mins. Should be a great time for meet and greet as well as enchants, trades, duels and dancing. I expect all Ambassadors & Field Marshals to be there! Or you shall receive a thumping from AutumnKnight! Feel free to invite your friends and pass along to our brothers and sisters in arms at THE OLD SCHOOL ACADEMY.

Please Post in the COMMENTS page if you plan on attending! PLEASE!!!!!

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Vent is up.

 Log in for info. Please use your MAIN name or recognizable alt name otherwise you will be banned from the server. To download the client go here.Thanks and Enjoy!

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Happy Friday!!!


This has been an unusually long week. Yes? Yes. I’m enjoying my new job, logged in less this week to World of Warcrack (approx. 4 hours this week), saw my chiro, helped my daughter with a school project that she got a “C” on because she lacked a “closing” letter (the part I helped with she got an “A”), lost a couple lbs due to muscle relaxers. !!! Go Meds! Plus I got some extra freelance work. 


Still…its been a long week. Maybe it’s because it feels like SPRING should be here…and some day’s it feels like it. Kansas and Missouri is arguably the most erratic weather in the country. Extremes is an understatement. Wow…I’m talking about the weather. How sad. /sigh. Alix rented ‘The Mist” lastnight and it was 90% kick ass. The 10% (the ending) was teh suck, and like most Stephen King books/movies he never quite delivers 100% (cept maybe MISERY). But it is a definite RENT ME movie.  

 I will be looking next week for a VENT server as some have expressed interest and seems fine. I’ll spring for it. See everyone online this weekend and god bless! 

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Sunwell is a good thing.


I was only online briefly lastnight due to hunger and my old break dancing injuries but it looks to be a very good patch. I plan on running Kara If my back holds up, but it seems we will be fine if I don’t show up! Which is a good thing!!!!   

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Filed under Whatever and ever Amen., World of Warcraft

My back…..

WOOT!!Circa 1984. I used to break dance. I was damned good too! I would go to “Merry-Go-Round” for my skinny ties, finger tip gloves, bandana’s any gear I remembered from the movies “Breakin”. & ‘Breakin 2: Electric Bugaloo!”. I would practice on 4’x4’ linoleum or a cardboard box. I even belonged to a “crew” with my best friend “Bill Beal” along with his older brothers. We performed at parties and almost had a contract to teach at a local gym. I was über cool. I also played a lot of sports; Basketball, Track, Football, Baseball, Soccer…I also weighed a buck twenty-five. My back was strong like 4-shot espresso (non-Starbucks). Now, after several sports injuries and weight gain my back is teh suck.  Having a slipped disc is likened to someone poking their finger in a specific spot on your back 24/7 then bitch slapping you with a 45 lb catfish every time you move a certain way. I see a chiropracter (sp) when I need to and this week I plan on seeing one. Point is…take care of your back. Bend your knees when picking something up! Exercise! Don’t stop playing sports just because you got married and had kids. Sit up straight! Don’t slouch! Breakdance! Apologies for lastnight and not logging in…see above.  Oh….and for some real gaming!! Check out this famous clip…….(for you mages and shamans). LIGHTNING BOLT!!!  

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Group Schedule!


WoW Tat

In a perfect world whenever we log in we would have a group ready and waiting to go forth on high adventure and purple loot a plenty. When you get there please let me know. In the mean time let’s try a schedule, beginning this week. Please take the initiative and make a group happen. Participate! Speak up! Chat! Lead! Make your time in the game and our guild FUN! 

All times will vary….. just get a group going! 

These are and will never be set in stone unless my name is Fred Flintstone and you can produce me a “Wilma”. Please DO make your own groups. Pug it up! 

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Filed under World of Warcraft

Let’s do the Timewarp Again!!

I guess time’s are a changing! I’m going to regroup the guild into being more (as much as I can) GROUP oriented. Set days and nights for scheduled events. The recent Karazahn  weekend produced very limited success and basically we need to get more tanks and healers up and running. I know this will change with the patch in that we don’t have to do all the key quest attunements. Phew. My wish is for that to happen THIS week. I also changed my view on new limit of level from 65 back to 60. 60-70 isn’t that bad and if we cannot help those people under 70 then what’s the point of this guild? Tyiako and I chatted briefly lastnight and are on the same page in regards to that change/update. It’s best to have 60’s in the guild so they and we can learn our specific roles and get to know each other. Makes sense.Please look here for the new schedules as well as the GMOTD (Guild Message of the Day) and our Forums

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Filed under Whatever and ever Amen.

Still playing….

marshmallow_bunny_wallpaper_by_kasy_05.jpgI would love 50 more design options. I think this one NOW is the best for simplicity and ease on the eyes. As mentioned a couple days ago I won’t be available for tonight’s raid on Karazahn. I have not found a replacement other than giving someone my account information so they can log in and play Wootbeer. (yeah right.) I messaged all the contacts last night and most we’re already in Kara or are/will be busy. Alix and I will be attending her daughters birthday and then going to another birthday party (Hobies ex-fiance) Kiki. Looks to be a long night.Lastnight was fruitful for me in BG’s with AutumnKnight. I actually won a AV and it was my daily. I haven’t won in 2 months. TWO! MONTHS! She now has 13k honor. I can’t decide if I should wait for the patch or til I hit 17.5k to get my boots for her. I think it would be best to wait and see what they do with the new patch. Well I think this is the most “clean” look for the site and will keep it for a while. If you guys and gals ever want to respond to one or more of my postings please do so. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter! 

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Filed under World of Warcraft

Trying a new “look”.


 For the three people who visit the blog, I am changing up the look with some new templates (not new..but for the blog it is). So bear with me. 


Filed under Whatever and ever Amen.

New Rules on Recruits & Twinks!

All new recruits via pugs, friends *not real life* and others will have a new MINIMUM LEVEL of 65. This also includes anyone from TOSA (The Old School Academy) who has less than 6 months membership in that guild. Over 6 months membership in TOSA they are “grandfathered” in and may join Old School anytime. Several reasons come into mind as to why the change for min level. Being a min level of 65 will give us more time to do end game instances and raids. More time for fun, less time leveling. Simple. Changes go into effect now.The exceptions are: — friends in real life, family members and any member in The Old School Academy with membership dated from 6 months onward. Please PST me ingame or email with any questions or comments on this change.   TWINKS! Starting last week some members have been at work on making our OFFICIAL Twink rank come alive. Twinks are made for Battleground PvPing. These toons are at the max level of the battleground requirements  such as level 19, 29, 39, 49, 59. The idea behind this is pure unadulterated FUN and Kickin ASS. It also helps you learn how to work as a group with set goals.’s kickin ass. With this specialized rank “TWINK” you become one with the guilds top members and gank unsuspecting horde!All you have to do is make a new character or if you have one already under the level of 19 your good to go. We will ALL help eachother do the appropriate instances to get THE GEAR and our fellow enchanters, leatherworkers, tailors will help with the enhancements to get the very best you can get. It’s a group deal so no takers…you must also help others thru runs and with gear. Once we get a nice group going we will be doing scheduled and unscheduled PREMADES into WSG (Warsong Gulch). In NO time you will max out on Honor Gear!If you make one please let me (WookieLuv, AutumnKnight), Tyiako, Laen or Mikkiel know about your new toon so we can set your appropriate rank. Please note this is for Old School & TOSA members only. Thanks 

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Karazahn this weekend! Sign up!


 ::UPDATE 3/19/08:: I (AutumnKnight or Wootbeer) will not be able to attend Friday’s event. I will look for my replacement. We are planning a Karazahn Guild sponsored run this coming Friday at 8pm Server Time with continuation on Saturday Night also at 8pm ST. Whatever we don’t finish up we can PUG it until Tuesday. I’m up for simply going in and farming trash mobs if things don’t pan out with a well rounded group. Keep in mind we must have the following make up for a solid group.

  • Minimum of TWO Hybrid or Protection Spec Tanks
  • Min of 3 healers; can be Priests, Shamans, Paladins or Restos Druids.
  • Min of 1 Hunter for CC with traps. (Moroes)
  • Solid DPS which we tend to do fine with. =D 
Some of the spots are interchangeable like the Druids and Shamans. Please note I don’t advertise this for obvious reasons but if you plan on being a part of a regular Kara raid the guild bank will repay your expenses on a respec in order to help our raid. Just PST me ingame and I can take care of that. If you do become a regular raid you will also have access to the guild bank Tab that has special items for the Kara raids. AND….all your repairs for the evening will be comped with the guild bank. i.e. all repairs are FREE AFTER the end of the run (night). We have a special rank for such purposes. All these perks are to make sure we are all having fun and not taking this too seriously. Although we do have certain expectations.
  • Be on time. We will allow a half hour window from the start time. However if your spot is filled by someone who was on and SIGNED UP on the forums then you will be on the reserve list. Don’t get pissed off at me for you being late. 
  • Be prepared. This means have your potions, bandages and reagants ready. Don’t ask for these items in the middle of the raid, if you do be kind and TIP. We should have a mage table available to us but don’t count on it.
  • Have your armor and weapons REPAIRED before going in. *unless you are Honored with the faction & we get that far.*
  • Take 5-10 mins of your time and read up on the instance. Most of us are still new to the instance and any tips and tricks will save us time and cost. 

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Filed under World of Warcraft

Laen’y wed. Rockets win. KU rox!

A very interesting and fun weekend indeed. Starting with Thursday night at the Sprint Center suite and my beloved Nebraska beating Mizzou. Friday was a relaxing evening with the lady of my life, we did go out to eat to Applebees and had some Nacho Nuevos and Sampler with her two beautiful daughters. I mutli tasked by watching the Huskers have a very impressive first half. I knew deep down it was only temporary because KU is just that good. We looked at 300-400.00 puppies next door at Petland, had some coffee without wearing mock turtlenecks and goatees. I only logged on briefly to WoW, mostly to do my Cooldowns and check mail and see how many people left or joined our guild. 2-2. (Lost 2 gained 2). Saturday was up at 5:25 am to take Raechel to the airport for her trip to her dads for spring break in Colorado. We hit the Casino afterwards for a comp’d breakfast and some decent winnings. My money was made on Poker (video). I logged in a bit again to see what was happening, Laen and Co. were online. =D Nice seeing regulars online and the newbee’s.  Later that afternoon we took daughter #2 to the airport again, this one is headed to Fort Lauderdale. (lucky). We then went to Alix’s brothers house for some BBQ and Soprano’s watching (they have never seen the last year run of episodes). Headed home at 8:30 so I could log on to be a witness to Laen’s wedding to her real life man. (Mewfox). Took some screenies and will post this week. Nice ceremony indeed, had about 15-20 people show up and dance the night away. Gratz to Laen!  I logged shortly after.Bought the new release of BLADE RUNNER extended DVD.Sunday…a quiet day. Alix worked. I played WoW most of the morning and afternoon. Goal for Autumn is to get some decent Vindicators gear and trinkets…or I may just bank the honor and wait for the Patch to come out. I’m sitting on about 12k honor with her…enough for 1 trinket. KU won the Big 12 tournament vs. Texas and it was a classic matchup with over 10 lead changes. AND My Houston Rockets have now won 22 straight beating Lakers yesterday. WOOT!!!


 Schedule for the guild will be updated tonight. I’m leaning towards some Heroic runs. SV, UB, etc.Good Day.~Wook 

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Filed under Whatever and ever Amen.

No Key??? Really?? 2.4 info and new rank : TWINK


So some have heard the latest test realm news and some haven’t. Karazahn will not require everyone to have a key to enter..just ONE in the group would need it. I think that is great news! Does it lessen the experience and content one does getting to that point of being “Keyed”? Yes. Hell Yes it does but that’s progress. To me it makes perfect sense especially since there are far greater instances and quest lines with greater rewards now and on the horizon. If I wasn’t keyed (Wook is not) then I’d simply wait til it happens in the patch. Trying to get all the instances besides Mech is a pain…let alont getting a group together on a low population server. This is still on the test realms and below are links the tell a lot more about the news and patch information.

 Some may notice my time online this week has been limited- due to my new job. Which is allll me I think this new direction for me career wise is and can only be a positive thing. I plan on being at Laens Wedding Saturday Night– plus AutumnKnight is going to preside over the event. It’s at 9pm Saturday the 15th at the Stormwind Cathedral, please try and attend for the festivities! All are invited (OS, TOSA, friends and former members of the guilds).I am making a couple new changes to the guild roster. Last week I added a “TWINK” rank which is what it is. I am also having it so if your main toon is not in the guild then you must remove yourself from the guild or you will be removed by one of the officers. This applies to the high ranking officers : Ambassadors and Field Marshals – high ranking officers have alts that have the same rank. If your main isn’t in our guild then please ask to be down ranked to Senior Officer and below..or you will be removed. Reason behind this is if you aren’t online but once in a blue moon I’ve no idea who you are as you may have sold your account, traded it and the entire concept of being a high rank is that you are there for the guild. If you have any issues about this please feel free to PST me ingame. This goes into effect this week.  

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Time’s are a Changin..or are they?

 Last Saturday’s guild meeting was a very ill timed one at best. It was supposed to be about a new ventrilo server hosted by Windamar and paid for ingame by our guild members at 10g per month. Very good deal!  We also spoke about an idea Wind and I mulled over a few times ingame and in our real lives over the phone. See, we’ve met up in real life had a brew and chowed down a few months back at a local Pub. A friendship was born and since the meet up have become very good friends. 

The “idea” stemmed from some guild issues. As before when I came back from a self imposed hiatus from the game, Old School had swelled to unimaginable size…I’m talking GIRTH of over 350 members– of which about 80% active. Well– with the influx of new recruits not just from our sister guild of “The Old School Academy” but from other pickups our Kara prepped and almost keyed 70’s we’re at times being monopolized by members under 70. This was rampant in the ONE guild this past summer. We could not progress as most of the time was spent helping**** other guild members. **** THAT IS the function of this guild– to help eachother**** do not get me wrong and perhaps that maybe the core of the confusion.  


I wanted to update our guild rules on what the qualification should be. Windamar wanted to make a new guild. I took it personally as affront to break the guild up. Was I wrong in assuming that? Maybe…maybe not. End result was several key officers are now gone. I am a reactionary person at heart, I rarely take actions negatively on my own unless provoked. I felt that the members I have helped “raise” from very low levels and help along the way were being torn away from this guild. I should have said that directly to Windamar on the phone but it literally took a day later for me to feel that way. My friendship slowed my reaction. And I KNOW I over reacted that night and I offer my apologies here and have ingame. I also know it’s too late as the damage has already been done on both sides of the coin. It was never my intention to cause people to leave or upset my closest friends.


My goal for this guild is simple. Have fun and make new friends along the way. We don’t play this game to make enemies, piss people off, disrupt others and tell others what they can and cannot do. 


I extend Windamar, Amy and any others that left from this to come back to Old School an open invitation. I would also like to introduce a definite VOTE on the Ranks of Ambassadors and Field Marshals before anyone can kick them, including me. **** there are exceptions**** (racial comments, sexual harrassment, bigotry and religious persecution as well as any type of harassment).


If this does not happen I totally  understand how you feel and wish you the best of luck online and offline. If you wish to be invited back please PST me ingame or contact Laen, Tyiako, Saphair in my absence. Thanks!



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Our second attempt!! Success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a primer for the evening. Alix and I were running Mara, actually I was boxing since she had to drop off her daughter for a church teen retreat. Me and Alixandria (my cat) and me as WookieLuv took down Princess in mere seconds. Yes, I’m that good. She drops an epic! My love’s first Purple! (It counts as hers since she pulled up in the drive-way as I looted). Raid on Kara is at 7 pm, time is 6:57 pm. Timing is everything. Log AutumnKnight start raid. Guess what? No tanks or paladins are online. None. Zero. Zip. From this week on we will have a sign up sheet on the forums. If you sign up please be there. I understand if real life comes up and is totally acceptable. 35 mins pass and still not ONE warrior logs on. We have 8 guildies in the raid. Of which I am very thankful and appreciative for being on time and ready to go. They are ; Laen, Tyiako, AmyD, Dreamofme, Wasteofskin, McTeague, Sabinata, AutumKnight with me calling into Trippi from Fatal Wound for a Tank and Heals. He sends us Leemeng and Sparhawk (thanks guys). After some timing issues and respawns we FINALLY take down Nightmare and Attumen!!! Our first Official downing of a Karazahn Boss! Took some time getting to this point but damn it feels good to be a gangsta.


Loot dropped::

Next was some interesting pulls on the stairs on the way to Moroes. Honestly I was so happy with downing Att that no matter what happened the night was a success! I get some tells saying this will be tough and I agreed as my past experience with Moroes was a bitch. However, tonight was ours. A couple wipes from the dispells of the Shackles we took him down on the 3rd try! It really was all about the Ice trap and Shacks…once we got those on– it was over. GREAT JOB!


Loot Dropped::

We had another drop but forgot what it was….it was a long instance. LOL Now it’s around midnight and we’re on Maiden of Virtue– we lose a raider and get Saphair to join- takes awhile since Horde are dime a dozen outside the instance. We fail due to line of sight dispells and position of healers. Holy Fire at 3500 +1750 every 2 secs tends to hurt. We lick our wounds and call it a night, a very successful one! Tonight looks like part 2 after our old school AQ raid. Thanks to all who help make it so!

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