Monthly Archives: October 2009


I’ve been running with the guild called “Exalted” this week doing some basic Naxx 10m and made some quick friendships in doing so. So much so they invited Wootbeer to join them- talking with my guildies last night and letting them know I wasn’t abandoning them– who does that anyways??? *chuckle*– I became a member. The guild itself is where I’d like OS to be in a few months provided we have people motivated in doing so: casual raids, learning strats, being patient with one an another, slow and low. Apparently 50% of the guild all know each other in real life, that helps to keep things in perspective and in this case, knowing eachother leads to common goals.

They seem to be taking instances with a mind set of fail first, which is understandable if you’ve never been but after witnessing the Spider Wing take down in just over 1 hr with 1 wipe I’d say they are ready for the rest of the instance. I may be going 2 step backwards for gear and instancing for Wootbeer but it’s not about progression for me per se but moreover the experiences I have with people. I was laughing it up last night ini vent and had a genuine good time. Time.

We added another 2 members last night with my spamming in trade chat. It’s always a hit or miss if they stay around. We shall see.


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Patience isn’t a virtue part 1.

Patience is learned and if your lucky you inherit it from one or both parents. I don’t know about ‘virtue’ since I relate virtue with one’s morals. Morals don’t come into play when you are dealing with a 13 year old WoW player. Patience does. In my years of gaming there are some very solid foundations that remain true to this day, of course there are always exceptions. One of the basics is that a young teen ages 12-16 tend to be erratic, blunt, combustible, waffling and have a serious attention deficit disorder. I get that, I do…not that I wasn’t any of those at 13…let’s see…I was erratic, check. I wasn’t blunt, I wasn’t combustible and I didn’t waffle…so basically erratic. Anyways, when you have teens in your guild you have to adjust your patience level somewhat as well as your love for the game.

I thought I’d offer some tips on how to deal with teenagers.  We need to break them down into some categories and subcategories as not all teens are created equal as I’ve met a good amount of quality teens who were not only respectful but insightful and well meaning. I will preface this that I’m a bit of an ‘ageist’ in that I prefer to run with older players…meaning over the age of 18….

Your first teen player is the complete Noob/Newb/New player who was talked into playing WoW or an MMO and has no clue what he/she is doing. They will ask a ton of questions while also being very random and the most irritating trait of this type if they don’t answer back to you for a very long time. This is where the AD&D comes into play. It would go a lot like this.

“Tarbog” DK (the noob) “Anyone know where the Auction House is in Dalaran?????????<— notice the usage of 10+ exclamation marks…

“StaxRipa” seasoned WoW player Mage ” Dalaran doesn’t have one.”

T – What!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!  Really???????

S – Yes, really.

T- Yes as in they DO have an auction house????? Or NO!???  WTF!??!?!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!  Hey anyone run me thru Nexus real quik?!!!!?!!!!????

S- Dalaran doesn’t have a AH go to one of the Capital Cities.

T- Anyonehave spar(e) gold I can borrw?????!  Wait…??? What’s a “AH”???????

you get the jist and you’ve seen it. The way to deal with these types is to whisper them or group up with them so you don’t clog the guild chat channel with blabber that no one really wants to read. Once you have them in your group explain to them that there is no real need to put “!!??!!?!?!?” at the end of questions. Tell them that if they continue to do so, they run the risk of being labeled an asshole player…but also let them know it might be too late and they need to make social amends in chat. Now, depending on the maturity of the kid he/she will do …fuck that..girls don’t act that way……depending on the maturity of the BOY he will tell you to fuck off, agree and lower his tone of online voice or agree then still continue with his albeit innocent tirades when you are not online. You will then log on and hear about it from other guildies. It’s important to NIP these types ASAP as they will spread to the other players who are only THINKING of acting this way and are waiting for an opening. Domino’s.

end of part 1

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My WoW Weekend

Here is what my weekend in the wonderful World of Warcraft® looked like.


Sleep.  In that SeanCassidy went from 59 to 65 in 2 days.


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It’s FRIDAY!!!

I’m really liking our mini-core group in the guild right now. It harkons back to the original crews. Friendly, talkative, older, mature and pretty much everyone is enjoying themselves. We also have more females to males ratio currently. Now, I’m sure to be poached. =D

I’ve been playing my Pally all week doing the Halloween Trick or Treats visting the INNS and inbetween doing Alterac Valley. It too me a mere 2 hours to go 1.5 levels which equated to 2 levels. I hit 58 last night, not bad considering I was 55 on Monday plus I’m racking up 3 faction reps like nobody’s business. Basically, at my level 2 AV’s equal ONE level depending on the duration, obviously turtles are counter productive but I’ve never seen Ally do so well in AV. It’s also very fun in AV again. I predict I’ll be lower 60’s by Sunday. I also have help with future Outland runs with some of the guildies.

I still need to figure out a good spec for my Pally, and will probably buy the dual spec when I hit 60. I thought my toon was Ret spec but after forgetting to point up – realized I had 7 points waiting for me noticed that I’m Holy Spec…who knew. lol  My gear is also 60% decent in that it’s hybrid for both SP and DPS/Heals. More PvP and I can at least fill in the DPS part with Wootbeer & Co. doing the PvE set.

For those who have level 50’s you really ought to be doing the Trick or Treat Travel quests at the Inns where you pick up the candy, one gets between 4k-6k PER Inn which is around 1 Bar per stop plus you get the exploration badges. Try it and you will see yourself level in no time.

See everyone this weekend !



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Hallowed Be Thy Name

Took a year..but ONE quest and voila AutumnKnight has the Halloween title. Good timing on my part as I flew into Southshore there was  Horde planting ‘stinkbombs’, after I killed the two Horde and Teabagged em I was able to do the quest. ! Then headed to the SM for a HH run took a while since we don’t have any more tanks in the guild, LOL. However, I spammed from within UC and got ourselves a <MURDER> tank and finished up in lickitysplit! No mount or pet but got the 80 ring. Was too tired to run Wootbeer through as I was grouped up with a new guildy and we were doing the Trick or Treats of Kalimdor and got all but 1 (for me) before the pillow was calling my name.

I also took my stab at PvPing with my Paladin. I asked a couple experts and they both said the same which kinda took me by surprise. Spam 2 buttons. That’s it. No wonder why it’s hard to kill something like a Paladin when they only need to worry about 2 buttons. I used 4 but whose counting. My paladin is only 55 but is geared with 3 pieces of Heirlooms so he’s not that bad. Ret paladin– I made some good kills and racked up the points and achievenments in no time. Was fun! I did notice most tried to ‘avoid’ direct confrontation on the bg field vs. when I’m with Wootbeer or AK. I’ll get better.

We seem*** knock on wood*** and *not get poached*- to have a small core group now, most of whom are in there 35-40’s with families. Added 2 more this weekend and they stayed longer than 3 hours. lol  Much thanks to the guild for recruiting the right players and having patience. It’s def. a rebuilding but I believe worth my time and efforts- and seems for those who play in our guild – worth their time as well. We also had 2 lowbie’s hit 80!


Below are some ‘vintage’ costumes some of you may recognize…

vintage halloween

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Short, Fat and wears gay looking glasses.

Tall & Lean, Curvy & Sexy, Gordo y Flaca. All shapes and size along with all  motives and aspirations. In the world of warcraft which I’ve invested ample amount of precious life too, I’ve seen a lot. Experienced a lot. Heard a lot. I still love this game, just not as much. Not sure if it’s the game itself as a whole or the people. You cannot have one without the other influencing your ingame experiences.

I would like to have a MMO where it’s more individual based vs. cookie cutter. This won’t be a rant about the shortcomings of WoW but rather what “A” MMO could be like. Since WoW pretty much copied the best elements of other games before it then became it’s vanguard it’s still lacking creativity. The only nuances that sep. us from other toons besides gear is our talent tree & glyphs…but even those have a finite variances if your looking for the ‘best build’.

I noticed the other night playing EVE that you can, with enough time invested be very alternative and individualistic in your game play and interacting with your environment. This same concept was at the heart of Star Wars Galaxies. If WoW could somehow drop the excess amount of cookie cutter gear and had actual Black Smiths make unique and specialized Armor or Weapons that in itself would change the game. Pipe dream, yes. I’m just jonesin for something that can take my long hours collectively and apply them to something that is uniquely ME.


So very close to rep cap with Argent and ample gold to back up the personal COS runs. Guild added 1 more to the group, Colleen is inching near 80! Err..”Neeloc”. /Proud

/Salute Samandible from Death Minions!


And below are some Friday Fun since I’m sooooo cool and thoughtful.

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Drake Lately

That title “Drake Lately” reminds me of one of  my favoritre comedians, Chelsea Handler of her own show “Chelsea Lately”. She has a 1/2 hr show where she basically reads headlines with up and coming and not so up and coming comedians and they add lib. I like her because she doesn’t mince words. She admits her faults and shortcomings while still being funny in the process. People who take themselves too seriously bore me. Hence, she doesn’t bore. Well after being the ultimate lazy rep gather’err I got exalted with the Wyrmrest Accord a couple days ago and AK now has her mount. She also got the BONE fishing pole for the daily. I’m attempting to knock out some easy Achievements but they take time: Cooking for the “Chef” title, Fishing for the “Salty” title and wanting to get the ‘Gemmed Pole’ to add to my collection. I still need the Rumsey recipe too. Tons to do.

I had to put in a ticket lastnight for the cooking line for the Northrend Recipes. Apparently, as it was verified in a Blizzard follow up email, the ‘ShovelTusk Soup’ is currently bugged. I checked over and over again and saw I did do the quest back in December but never got the actual recipe. I need that to complete that line. After that I will be done with it…

We added 4 more people last night to the guild, some old faces and some new. Also had another hit 80. He was a happy camper. We also did a VH run for those in the upper 70’s and I was able to gauge how they play and they all seemed competent enough even though Yuert was DPSing and I was tanking…lol We make up for alot of mistakes.

I’m on my 11th solo run of Scholomance for the mount. Yes, I know what all  3 of you are thinking, “OMG, you’ll never get that mount let alone soloing it without being bored!” Well..maybe so…..but I’m stubborn like that. I also tend to make some decent gold and greens that DE into some good gold. My runs paid for half of what I spent on the Drake (800 gold). Plus…Runecloth drops like mad and it sells very quickly. Going again tonight if it’s not too late.

Oh and Obama, gratz on something you didn’t deserve.

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Not so fresh feeling? Try EVE. (online)

I took Sam’s advice and he was right. EVE online is frackin BEEEEUUUTIFUL. Once you get past the simple beauty and the sublime music/soundtrack of EVE you start to do the tutorial missions which seem easy enough but most of the time I’ve spent is figuring out how to get from point A to point B then back to point A. Like all MMO’s there is a beginning of doing mundane tasks which at the core of the tasks is the basis of what you will be doing during your time IN the game. If just a sliver of what you COULD be doing. I, like others are a creature of habit and it’s the same for me and MMO’s, I love to start with crafting or money making career, in this case I chose to start the mining courses, I can choose other paths but wanted to see this first. The economy is player driven so one can buy credits offline for real cash, this always hurts the ingame economy but since this game is nearly 6.5 years old it’s still maintained it’s player base. Not WoW numbers but respectable 400k players on ONE server.

Alix has been watching me totally unimpressed as I’m out there mining asteroids which I was hoping she would be like “WOW I wanna do that!” but I can’t blame her…it’s mining then going back to the starport drop off or sell then back out mining again. Very much like the quest noobs do in Goldshire. =D

This delve into EVE doesn’t mean WoW is Audi5000 it just means I’m trying another game, one which from the looks of it is VERY intricate and the learning curve as many have pointed out is steep. I like steep. It reminds me an awful lot of Star Wars Galaxies 1st year. As a crafter person you had to scan areas, test the ground with sample readings, pick up the ore and minerals with your hands to get enough materials to make a simple part. Step and repeat X 10 THEN you can make your first ‘Harvester’ THEN you had to meet with another crafter for “Power”….small steps lead to bigger ones then BOOM you were in the swing of things. I think that’s what EVE might be like. We shall see.

Lastnight I came within 300 points of being revered with Wyrmrest Accord, iknowrite? What took so damn long? Multiple toons is what happened. This will be my 2nd level 80 to be exalted (Wootbeer is). So I get AK her mount tonight and another achievement. AK did hit the 4500 mark last week, I finally made my “Chocolate Cake” getting “The Cake is a Lie” ach. Working towards the Chef title, just need 1/2 dozen recipes and I’m good to go…I believe the last ach. I will need will be the Rumsey recipe which comes from the dailies… next up will be more rep grinding with the Argent and maybe another faction–

We are still looking for more peeps to join OS! For an invite just pst one of us online. To see who is online, go to your search feature in the social UI and type in “Old School”  — while you may get some Old School Academy you can also cross reference our Armory.



Filed under Whatever and ever Amen., World of Warcraft

It’s (not) Dead, Jim.

I’ve posted before about my mullings over recruiting more people to this guild once again and it started last night with Yarrow joining back up followed by about 5 more. And only one was under level 50. lol

I just posted a spam for new members in the Azshara forums and it reads as such:

This maybe “TLDR” for some.. Salutations to the most motley bunch of people I’ve ever met or not met since SWG Flurry server of 2003. I’m the founder/obliterator of my guild ‘The Old School’ who have been around since the 3rd week of this server’s been online. In that time I’ve made tons of mistakes being the leader of my guild as well as some very sage decisions so I’m batting like .450 What I have learned in that time is people like to be catered to and led. Some lead, some follow, but most just want a place to call home and chill. I want the latter. This is where TOS comes in. I want to provide a place for mature, casual minded players who aren’t looking for the ultimate piece of gear and will leave the guild at the smallest carrot dangled in front of their faces. Sure it’s your ‘dime & time’ and you can go anywhere you damned well please, no one’s holding you back least of all a guild. But if you want to see the WORLD with some cool people without being yelled at, disrespected or made fun of because of your southern or canadian accent then we might be what you’re looking for. This is not your step father’s raiding guild. We do raid but for now we have to pug it up. We do have members that do Ulduar + and experience counts in the right places and time. We have that but without the attitude that comes with it.

Our focus:

• Achievement runs to cap your points

• Classic Dungeons not just to see the content but to go back and finish up your reputation

• Dailies, nuff said

• Group activities to farm foods, mats and more • Scheduled events: PvP raids, BG’s, Parties,

• Having fun in a relaxed atmosphere

We have:

• Blog updated weekly if not every other day

• 25 person vent

• Max Guild Bank

• Ranking system (work in progress)

This is my thoughts on The Old School, I can’t do this without more people to join up. If your interested please post here or pst me ingame or some of my officers who can invite you. AutumnKnight, Wootbeer, Yarrow, neelloc, Mykos & any “Sam” toons not named “Samanda” Thanks for the read. AK

So with that let’s shoot for the right people for this revamped guild. Please give me a shout if your interested in joining up or coming back to TOS.


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Focus: Achievement Guild

I want to have a guild that not only has the right attitude about WoW but overall about life. I am thinking of recruiting (drive) for some players who are not just interested in the gear but the achievement side of World of Warcraft. The introduction of the achievements (A <–using that vs. spelling out the long ass word…) last year for me, breathed a new life and structure for the game itself. I take pride in getting achievements as it’s a great barometer for your time in-game and your commitment.

I know it will be another balancing act but it should be a lot of fun along the way. Currently the active players in The Old School is the ladies of the house, Colleen, Mirencia/Santha and Yarrow’s alt. Sam logs in every once and awhile on alts but talking to him lately he’s getting burned out on raids. Pathe, Sokym’s alt and other log in as well as McTeagues hunter– overall the guild is pretty much stagnant. I hope to jump start it in the coming weeks/months.

Our focus is simple- get as many points we can as a guild and have fun while doing it. Not just points you don’t have but everyones. Rack em up and move onto the next target(s), we would also be fulfilling the ego part of the players needs to be recognized and see real content from the beginning to almost the current end, of whatever that may be. It’s not going to be a leveling guild or a ‘click’ guild where certain people ONLY run with their friends as that hurts the guild as a whole and belittles the players who ARE in the guild but ignored because they aren’t as cool as you. Ideally it will be for players that want to see the other side of the gaming experience, taking time to see things through and hopefully learn more about your toons.

If anyone is interested in joining or re-joining just pst me ingame. I can be found mostly on 3 toons: Autumnknight, Wootbeer & Pinkney.


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2 nights ago I was dreaming of something I can’t remember. Somewhere in the midst of a dream I can’t remember came a hollow sounding, echo’y voice that simply said “Hello?”. The odd thing was that it was clear sounding yet not, sounding much like on one of those toy echo microphones, which recently my wife bought her daughter for some old school fun. I lie there in bed suddenly awake with the hazy realization that maybe it wasn’t a dream but had to rack it up to a dream since some obvious factors were present and not present.

1. No one else was in the bedroom besides me, my wife and dog. The door was shut and locked.

2. I looked out the window and didn’t see anyone but they could be hidden so I looked and looked and waited for any noises or movement. None happened.

So I went back to bed.

Another day passes and I recounted the night before and wondered how/who/what. Nothing came to mind. Until last night at 3:20 a.m.

Have you guessed it? (Talking to the 3 people that visit this site regularly)….

It was my Vent. I had left my vent on a couple nights ago….last night the vent’s server restarted and woke me up. Couple nights ago was someone, Patrick I think that logged in and said “Hello?” in the middle of the night. I could check the log today to see but I’m 99.9% sure about this. I’m usually 90% correct so odds are in my favor.

So, Patrick….”Hello!” back.

Science Mystery Theatre 3000 solved.



Filed under World of Warcraft

What is good for you?

My play style ranges from hardcore to plain scrub lazy player. The latter playstyle hasn’t happened since SWG late term but the former has shown it’s face from time to time and I’ve noticed a lot hinges not just on how much time I have but whom I roll with. Being in Murder which apparently is the servers number 1 raiding guild since Riven imploded yesterday/this weekend. Number one meaning highest geared, ranked, experienced players on a sub-par Server.

Sub par?? Yes, sub-par. Azshara started out like any other servers sans being a RPG one also know as a PVE server. It was among the first PvP servers available at the time. So, what happened? Imbalance of racial numbers, more Horde than Alliance. How does that affect the server’s talent? Well not every server is ever going to be 50/50 but something odd happened to this server, it never balanced out– or as it should have, currently my guessitimation puts the balance at 4-1 in favor of Horde. Once these Horde players hit their pinnacle they got bored and moved to different servers. Once the Alliance players came close to the pinnacle, not really…they too moved onto other servers. These leaves a continual black hole of self fulfilling implosion of guilds never sticking together because they listen to the hype in general/trade chat, forums or simple word of mouth. The server has to have numbers to progress on either side.

If that is your goal ingame, to see the end game I highly suggest you leave Azshara or become a Horde member. IS this feeding the hype of self fulfilling prophecy for Azshara? Yes and No. Currently, like TODAY no Azshara guild on the alliance side has completed any end game content PRE-NERF. Close…but no cigar and the lame duck GM’s on this server for alliance don’t hunt. Meaning, they won’t progress without a major influx of talent pool. The ones we currently have spend most of their time complaining about eachother and rival guilds…vs. working together.  This is where the Horde are better…they actually work as a team and recruit with the mindset of ‘is this person going to be an asset or liability”. Once they figure that out the work on the ingame content and DO IT vs. Talking.

MY goal for WOW is and will always be having fun. Not convoluted fun with people I think are my friends but really hanger on’ers (those that we took on raids that didn’t work for the loot but would roll for it and act like they earned it…) looking for greener grass but with now quasi-nice friends I can get along with. My trust factor of making ingame friends went from 90% down to 5%. Been there and been burnt. Fuck that. I’ll stick with nominal people I can talk to on a nightly basis and go get some decent loot and see the content as best we can.

It will be an interesting time on Azshara in the coming month, with the Riven folks being split up and seeing who forms what who joins who and who leaves all together. Don’t be fooled by GM’s with delusions of grandeur who say they have the best healers, dps, tanks, you don’t. Riven and Murder do/did. Best, I mean they have been around a long time or know what to do and how to do it and prove it day in/out.  I’m just hoping a real leader will step up to the plate and lead some of these people into the end game of WoW as most deserve that…if they want it. Not saying Murder’s Tainiss can’t but his leadership styles and impromptu rage tends to rub the wrong way on some…

Once a guild on the Alliance side steps ups and delivers then I predict it will be a domino effect for the other Alliance guilds, it will give them confidence to get things done. A prime example of this is when recently Murder and Riven took down the bosses of Horde all in ONE night, not piecemeal but in a matter of a couple hours. This was a rare event just a year ago, now..with a little bit of planning it can be done (thanks to Samanda!)

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Kodo not so medium rare…

The Brewfest is on it’s last weekend (2) and I’ve done the daily nearly every night sans maybe 3? So let’s round it up to 10 visits on AutumnKnight, out of those groups at 5 times per minus 2 groups where they lied to me about having summons.** Using my primitive math skills I’ve done the boss (hehe) 50 times. I’ve seen the Kodo drop 6 times, the Ram drop 5 times and the BOE Tankard 5 times. Last year I believe the drop was super low, not so much this year which is a good thing and seems to be right on line with the thinking of Blizzard making this game dumber and dumber downed. I’ve been able to get the Ram and the Terrible Tankard twice- I still need the remote. I’m almost at the point of offering to buy it off someone.

** One of the things that pisses me off (among 1 million others..) is when people are spamming for the a Brewfest group and expecting YOU to have a summons but don’t count themselves in the equation. I’ve had 2 groups like this– one with the illustrious THE ELITE FEW grp. It was pretty funny, someone had the remote we gathered up and got to the boss, I asked 2 times if everyone had a summons and they all said yes. I get my quest but neglected to check the Quest log- it will say how many OTHER people have it..if everyone including yourself have not done it then the number will appear (4) and then you KNOW the group is legit. I let my defenses down on the ELITE FEW grp since well…I assumed why would they lie. I have a screenshot of the exchange…. SO…. 2 non-Elite Few take their turns and then the leader (name with held) says “GO Autumn!” Go! GO! ” . I say…”Ill wait…” I noticed when we all got there that the two EF didn’t go to the quest giver…so now the other person says “WTF AUTMN!! GO!!!”  I asked one last time if THEY had the quest. Paraphrasing here…”Dun gettpisssd at me i wasnt leader we alaready didd it earlier…now GO!”  /sigh

I hearthed. Suprisingly I didn’t get any hate tells…not that I should but you’d be amazed at the lack of maturity players have in WoW…or maybe not.

That was one example…..I just don’t get the whole lying part…meh.

I’ll have to wait another year to get the Brewmaster Title for AK since I wasn’t able to get the outfit…I did get everything else and have enough tokens/tickets for next year. I took the remaining tickets for the Brew of the Month club and got my first Brew yesterday, it was a Squirrel Brew….a little squirrel appeared before me and threw an acorn at my head. Very cute. It also leaves you the empty bottle in your inventory.

Achievement wise—- I may have a lot of Achievement Points but I could have a ton more if I ever did older quest lines and farmed old school I started the Argent line last night by soloing Stratholme. It was fun for the first 30 mins but the grind is….a grind. My bags filled quickly with scourage stones tokens, night crawlers and junk. You do get around 10-20 points per kill of rep so it should go quickly plus the boss drops average 10g per…I also got the CANNON trinket which is hilarious. Tonight I will go for the DeathCharger.

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